[ubuntu-in] ubuntu India website redesign

Parth parth.technofreak at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 13:29:32 BST 2007

On 10/17/07, Onkar Shinde <onkarshinde at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2. Old team members feel we should use existing infrastructure and
> make Ubuntu-IN website as beautiful as possible.
> New team members feel that existing infrastructure is not flexible enough.
> 3. Old team members feel that there isn't enough contribution to content.
> New team members feel that old members are ranting.

Absolutely. The "old" members feel that we need start from scratch and
that is not the requirement of the hour. What we need is more
resources in the form of contribution from our members. Even it is
going to be called whatever in the current wiki format, it is there
and it can be proudly pointed as done by Ubuntu-In members. We want to
have stuff and then show off. Simple!

> Proposed solution:
> Please note that I agree with almost all points presented by Aanjhan,
> Parth and Somyadip. So this is my point of view. I am trying to
> propose a solution that will be acceptable to all.

Thanks for this effort Onkar. :)

> 2. I myself feel the need to restructure pages. Currently the
> broadband howto page is one of the very few pages that are in what I
> call 'perfect shape' and provides very good information. No offense
> meant for other contributors. So suggestions for restructuring are
> welcome. Let us use talk pages as discussion mechanism.

Tuxmaniac (Aanjhan) and myself tried to do a bit of restructuring a
few months ago. But we could do only small touch-ups and betterment of
what we had as both of us have limited time resources these days.

> 3. We are using very old version of Mediawiki, 1.5. So I think it is
> better to look into upgrade of the software to 1.7. This will enable
> us to install some plugins for calendar, captcha etc. Having a
> calendar is the most importanmt thing now. And having a captcha
> mechanism will prevent bot attacks in future. G0SUB please take up
> this task or provide us the necessary information needed for this
> upgrade.

Think Ghose is busy these days and he will support our efforts to
upgrade the version. Anyways, get a nod from him and upgrade to latest

> 4. This is call for new contributors to try using existing
> infrastructure. Let's say we try it for next 6 months. If it doesn't
> work out then we can consider other solutions.


> 5. Sine most of the old members are busy with their jobs and personal
> lives, I think it is time to pass on the admin rights to new members.
> We can have a meeting on this weekend on #ubuntu-in to decide who
> administrates what.

We will have a meet to decide who does what among the new members,
since we are not as free enough these days as we were. Think its time
to put some responsibility of the new entrants to the team and give an
opportunity for them to learn. We are always there to guide :)

> No a request. Let us not point fingers. It is obvious that new members
> don't know what are the contributions of old members. Also it is
> obvious that old members can not easily know the potential that new
> members have. :-)
> So lets try to work together and reduce this generation gap. :-)

One point to add. The new members, please don't feel we are elders and
we are egoistic of this. We are always ready to give you opportunities
to learn things. What we want to see is commitment from you in the
form of contribution. Remember, contribution doesn't pertain to only
code, documentation, translation etc are also contributions. If you
feel unhappy or uneasy about anything please feel free to talk with
us, either in this mailing list or in the #ubuntu-in channel. We are
open and talk things in public, rather than fuming behind privately.

All the mails and points posted here have been also discussed in the
irc channel and is mostly similar to what other non-speaking
non-ranting members felt as well.

Thanks a lot to Onkar for such a clarifying mail and explanation. Hope
we take things in the positive sense from here and work together. We
do not have "old" "new" discriminations, it was just to mark the
difference in opinions and nothing more :)

Parthan "Technofreak"

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