[ubuntu-in] Grr: Reminder - NO! Top posting and Over quoting

Roshan d_rosh2001 at yahoo.co.in
Mon Oct 15 16:25:33 BST 2007


A few recent posts have completely gone haywire in
that there are "excessive quoting" with "top posting".
If these words are new to you (the reader) then, you
*should* _definitely_ read about it. 

Here's the link:


Also, if you (the reader) is using HTML to compose
emails, you could (rather should) switch to composing
plain text emails. Please refer your email client or
the web mail help for composing plain text emails. 


(Sure, if you aren't top posting or quoting excess,
you can ignore (you will ;) ) ignore this email. )

ubunturos @ freenode

      Now you can chat without downloading messenger. Go to http://in.messenger.yahoo.com/webmessengerpromo.php

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