[ubuntu-in] JDK for CS Ubuntu

Amit Karpe amitkarpe at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 07:07:11 BST 2007

On 10/11/07, Roshan <d_rosh2001 at yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> --- Amit Karpe wrote:
> > As I have limited space , I don't want to use
> > Sun-Java5-jdk.
> Any other particular reason for not using
> sun-java5-jdk?
> > Which JDK I should use ? As I have very limited
> > Space for my Live CD .
> > What is diff between these packages
> > 1. free-java-jdk
> This is a different sdk but is likely related to GCJ
> (GNU's Compiler for Java), but has different
> maintainer.
> > 2. gcj
> > 3. java-gcj-compat and java-gcj-compat-dev
> The GNU's Compiler for Java needs the above two
> packages plus additional packages to run Java. (GCJ is
> the Compiler for Java and GIJ is the interpreter for
> Java).
> I would recommend, installing sun-java5-sdk (now that
> it is Free Software (licensed under GPL2; you can
> install the source, as well). Also, there's another
> alternative, known as Blackdown Java. This was
> created, when Sun's java was not under GPL.
> If you have Adpet / Synaptic search for Blackdown
> Java.

Thanks .
Finally , I install free-java-jdk package .
Work for small "HelloWorld" java program .
Need to be tested for more advance stuff .

> A small suggestion: Since this thread is related to
> your Ubuntu for CS, I would request you to do the
> following.
> Let the distro be as it is. Since, you plan to give
> development tools to CS students, you could create and
> Apt-ON CD for them, and distribute it with the sources
> of those tools on that CD. Imagine, the advantages
> they get!
> I can think of doing it this way. Considering, that
> you have unlimited data transfers on your internet
> connection, you could use apt-get to *download* (set
> -d option) all the necessary packages.
> You can then create a document on how to use the CD
> for installing software and put it in the same CD.

Yes, this add on CD idea is next phase in our Project.
So package which are too big eg. Eclipse . will be on add on CD .
Also I expect students will use this Distro as Live CD for first few weeks .
Once they got enough confidence then they will install it .
In that case install+addon CD will give more advantage  to students .

Could you suggest more packages/tools !!!

> That CD will be like /sone pe suhaga/.

Ya , sure  .

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