[ubuntu-in] Lotus Symphony

nan budh nanbudh at yahoo.co.in
Tue Oct 9 13:21:42 BST 2007

while on open office, recently i had an experience i d like to share. Couple of my students made a presentation in power point, containing around 50 photographs on each slide. Then they transferred it onto a laptop which had open office installed. Now when the presentation opened in ooimpress.... it was painfully slow. the transitions did not work at all!!!

"Ramnarayan.K" <ramnarayan.k at gmail.com> wrote: 

On 10/8/07, nan budh <nanbudh at yahoo.co.in> wrote: is this package free? the beta version i mean.
Yes its free for those who register.

Also its based on the open office suite source code 
what ever reviews i have read do say that OOo users may want to stick to OOo itself as a few key features have been dropped while attempting to make it be slicker 


 >   Has anyone tried the new lotus office suite - symphony
>    http://symphony.lotus.com/software/lotus/symphony/home.jspa
>   IBM Lotus Symphony BETA

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