[ubuntu-in] mailing Lists or Discussion Forums (was Ubuntu India Forum - )

Parth parth.technofreak at gmail.com
Mon Oct 1 05:22:42 BST 2007

On 9/30/07, Mir Nazim <mirnazim at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think we are unnessasarily streching the topic. Pratul you cab go
> ahead and set up the forums at the hosting you already have and just
> look how much response you get, if response is good forums can stay
> and grow, otherwise you know what you have to do.


We have had enough discussions. Let whoever wants to host a forum of
Ubuntu-In and whoever wants to participate in it let them do. And
those who feel more comfortable with the Mailing List way of things
(like me) will continue to do so. I do not want another login (and
passwords to remember) and another thing to check daily :) but for the
best interest of the Ubuntu-In am shutting my mouth against the forums
idea as of now :)

Please carry on with the forum set-up. Good luck! :) But ensure the
forum has a sticky pointing to Ubuntu-In wiki and Ubuntu-In mailing
list, with information about the Ubuntu-In team. You can also put up a
small post on how to join mailing list, how to search through the
archives before asking a question, etc. Ask people to refer to our
archives and wiki as far as possible. Also give them links to

Parthan aka Technofreak
FOSS Enthusiast and Ubuntero

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