[ubuntu-in] Guide for installing useful apps on Ubuntu Gutsy

Onkar Shinde onkarshinde at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 17:04:48 GMT 2007

On Nov 10, 2007 9:08 PM, Nilesh Trivedi <nilesh.tr at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wrote a short and simple guide for those who are trying out Ubuntu for
> the first time. This will also save time for us who have to do handholding
> for them while we make their Ubuntu installation usable.
> http://ubuntu-in.org/wiki/Fixing_Gutsy
> Please contribute to it and make it a definitive place to point people to.

I have few comments and I need inputs from other page before fixing the

1. I have objection to the title 'Fixing Gutsy'. There is nothing wrong with
Gutsy. 'Customizing Gutsy' is more appropriate title.

2. I really fail to understand what functionality Adobe Acrobat Reader
provides that home users require which is not by provided by Evince (the
default PDF reader in Ubuntu). Apart from that it is non-Free software.

3. If you install all gstreamer plugins and w32codecs you can play almost
every media file except .rm. Also you can play those files in Firefox since
totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin is installed by default. So I don't know what
are you trying to achieve by recommending mozilla-plugin-vlc.

4. I haven't yet felt the need to run a Windows application. So at least I
don't see a need to recommend wine. It defeats the purpose of using a Free
operating system.

5. Now the most important. Your page is IMHO just a variation of
http://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats targeting a specific
version of Ubuntu. We already have loads of guides about how to play
restricted formats. What we need are the guides to achieve some other
specific tasks. I hope you will take this as constructive criticism.

Passion - Some people climb mountains - others write Free software.
Don't ask why - the reason is the same.
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