[ubuntu-in] How do i go about translating ubuntu documentation into a regional language?

Sri ranga withblessings at gmail.com
Tue May 15 15:58:32 BST 2007

There is phonetic tool " Microsoft input tool" (Beta) free download from the
It works only on XP and above version.
Advantage: phonetic (typed in english font) can converted into any indian
langagues  and similarly  any  indian  language can be  converted into
phonetic(english font).
For translating feature, please check with CDAC website.   Search
"Translating english to Indian languages"

On 5/15/07, shavinder singh <nanbudh at yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Could anybody guide me on how do i go about translating ubuntu
> documentation into a regional language? i would appreciate  as much detail
> as possible.
> Thanks
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