[ubuntu-in] Erratic Vi on FeistyFawn

Parthan S R parth.technofreak at gmail.com
Mon May 14 06:08:10 BST 2007

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mehul wrote:
> On 5/13/07, *Ravi Shanker* <ra21vi at gmail.com
> <mailto:ra21vi at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Remove and purge all the vi and vims,
>     then just install vim or vim-full, and there you go.
>     The error most likely maybe the wrong package installation, as
>     vi is lnk
>     to vim, so you type vi or vim, its same.
>     But not in your case it seems, as you told. So just reintall the
>     right
>     package.
> But, that doesn't explain why that problem is occuring in the first place.
> In fact, if it's the same application being called if you type vi or
vim then
> the behaviour should be the same, but it's not, in his case.
> And it would be nice if you can avoud top posting.
- From the day Feisty got into my laptop a facing similar problems.
Typing Vi takes you to Vi-tiny or Vi-minimal (which I got to use
somewhere a month ago with debian). Here, the direction keys do not
work. Rather we have to use the main keypad for movement and also the
general I for insert also doesn't seem to work.

I dug into finding why, the 'vi' in /usr/bin was sym linked to
/etc/alternatives/vi while /etc/alternatives/vi again point back to
/usr/bin/vim. But if I  check 'vim' in /usr/bin, it points to
/etc/alternatives/vim which again points to  /usr/bin/vim.tiny. This
seems to be a viscious  circle and when I try to fiddle with these
links, I got messed to I had to get them back to original state. Now I
take the pain of adding one more 'm' and typing 'vim filename' :(

Note: I upgraded from Ubuntu Edgy fresh Install to Feisty after the
official release.

- --
With Regards
- ---
Parthan aka Technofreak

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