[ubuntu-in] Help regarding modem for my parents

Anurag Mishra mishranurag at gmail.com
Sat May 12 17:17:17 BST 2007

Hey Guys

If you remember I earlier emailed that I sent my Dell 5100 with UBUNTU
6.06to my parents in India (Lansdowne).  They weren't able to
configure the
internal modem for internet connection.  I suggested them to buy a serial
modem and the shopkeepr convimced them to install windows XP.  Anyways, they
weren't able to buy that modem because of smart shopkeepers. I am going to
post them a serial modem from here (US). Does anybody have any experience
setting up that modem? I would really appreciate that support.


Anurag Mishra
Graduate Research Assistant,
Biological Systems Engineering,
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA-24061.
Phone: (540) 231 -2083 (office)
(540) 239-4436 (cell)

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