[ubuntu-in] (no subject)

Ravi Shanker ra21vi at gmail.com
Wed May 9 02:47:35 BST 2007

Why 6.06, there is more recent 7.04 available (Feisty). Why don't you
want that?

On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 20:57 +0100, Roshan wrote:
> Hello Lists, (see header)
> I am using Kubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) on my second
> hdd and three applications, Konqueror, Konverstaion
> and Kopete (yes, KDE - Kyonki haha) on my MTNL Triband
> line, without specifying the DNS. The automatically
> accepted DNS was the IP address of the ADSL Router /
> Modem. 
> (D-Link 502 T)
> I wasn't able to get updates using apt-get because,
> the command would fetch the first URL and become
> stagnant with no network activity over the ethernet
> LED. 
> I finally, decided to add the DNS servers provided by
> MTNL, and wow! apt-get could finally understand what
> it is supposed to connect to and fetched updates. 
> Phew! Why didn't the K affect the 'K'onsole. Some
> other underlying protocol, perhaps?
> BTW, I managed to install Firefox ( and have
> bookmarked two links on installing Firefox 2.0 on
> *buntu. 
> These updates consumes a lot of my bits, and that
> brings me to a question!
> Can I (if I get one) use the Kubuntu 6.06 DVD as a
> source for installing common applications (such as say
> GCC 3.x or 4.x, Java 1.4.x JRE 1.5.x etc?)
> If yes, anyone in Mumbai with a Kubuntu 6.06 DVD?
> --
> FSF of India Associate Fellow - http://www.gnu.org.in
> S K Somaiya College of ASC- http://www.somaiya.edu/sksasc
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