[ubuntu-in] Konqueror on Kubuntu 6.06 cannot read HTML emails

Roshan d_rosh2001 at yahoo.co.in
Tue May 8 11:50:46 BST 2007

Hello All,

I have been using Kubutnu Live CD and Konqueror in the
past few days to browse the internet and check emails.

Off-late, I have observed, Konqueror on Kubuntu 6.06
is not able to read HTML emails whereas on Knoppix
5.0, the same version of Konqueror can read HTML

Is this something to do with settings of Konqueror
under Kubuntu 6.06 or is there a fault with Konqueror
in /my/ Kubuntu installation?

I know, not many of you receive / send HTML emails,
but someone who /may/ have experienced the same
problem can enlighten me ;)

FSF of India Associate Fellow - http://www.gnu.org.in
S K Somaiya College of ASC- http://www.somaiya.edu/sksasc

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