[ubuntu-in] problem in connecting to net using ethernet

Onkar Shinde onkarshinde at gmail.com
Mon May 7 20:51:42 BST 2007

On 7 May 2007 19:36:34 -0000, ravi h.n. shankar
<drravshan at rediffmail.com> wrote:
> hi all,
> i'm very new to ubuntu. i had downloaded ubuntu 6.06, but could not
> connect to the net using BSNL broad band thru ethernet. i went thru ur
> help page & performed the commands as advised - viz.
> sudo ifconfig eth0 up
> sudo route add default gw
> sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf
>  following these steps, i was able to connect to the net. however, when
> i tried connecting after restarting the system, it didnt work. i then
> treid the same commands all over again. when i gave the command sudo
> vi /etc/resolv.conf i got the following msg
> E-325 - attention
> found a swap file by name "/etc/resolv.conf.swp
> it gave me 2 options
> 1. another programme may be editing the file
> an edit session for this file crashed.
> if i proceed, i am still able to connect, but the problem persists - i
> have to type the series of commands each time i connect to the net.
>         i also have windows XP which i was using previously with the same
> ADSL broadband connection. ever since i started using the net on ubuntu,
> i am now unable to connect in windows.
>  since then, i have upugraded to ubuntu 7.04. i am a novice - looking
> for some simple solutions!!!

I don't know why your file edit session crashed. May be since you are
new to GNU/Linux world you don't know how to use vi editor. Use some
other editor like gedit.
The reason for you problem is that you haven't configured your network
card to get activated automatically at the boot time. You can do it
from GUI, System -> Administration -> Networking.
And when you configured broadband in Ubuntu you set your router in
bridge mode whereas when BSNL guys set up the connection for you they
made a dialup connection for you in Windows. You will have to setup IP
address, gateway, and DNS settings for the network card in Windows as
well for the broadband connection to work.

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