[ubuntu-in] A how-to to create ISOs using K3b

Onkar Shinde onkarshinde at gmail.com
Sun May 6 13:20:09 BST 2007

On 5/6/07, Roshan <d_rosh2001 at yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> Hello All,
> Perhaps, this may be a co-incidence. Content on the
> website wiki appears to be incomplete or not exciting
> as indicated in the previous few posts to the list.
> I have begun with something really simple, because I
> could do that real quick. I'm no expert! I have
> included a How-To for native Windows users, to create
> ISOs using K3b in Kubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake.
> Please correct any shortcomings of the How-To!
> http://www.ubuntu-in.org/wiki/K3b_for_iso

Really nice howto. Now that you have put up this page why not extend
the information to include i) how to burn iso ii) how to do both tasks
using other tools like nautilus inbuilt cd burner, gnomebaker, command
line tools. :-)

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