[ubuntu-in] How about a glade-gnome-3 tutorial?
shirishag75 at gmail.com
Sun May 6 13:19:14 BST 2007
> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 13:00:17 +0530
> From: "Soumyadip Modak" <soumyadip.modak at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-in] How about a glade-gnome-3 tutorial?
> To: "Ubuntu India Local Community" < ubuntu-in at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID:
> <93667cbe0705060030p2e87465em336a9f3a47f4ad37 at mail.gmail.com >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> On 5/6/07, shirish <shirishag75 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > How about having a glade-gnom-3 tutorial, there is already a
> glade2
> > tutorial at
> >
> http://www.kplug.org/glade_tutorial/glade2_tutorial/glade2_introduction.html
> > .
> > I'm just starting to understand how things work there, while being no
> > programmer but
> > just to make mockups. I can supply all the screenshots for the new
> version
> > if somebody
> > is willing to see if there are changes to be made in the tutorial with
> the
> > introduction of
> > glade-gnome-3 . Please pm me only if you are committed to seeing this
> > through, giving
> > attribution to the original authors & the site from where we took it,
> > perhaps making it
> > more cleaner, easier for everybody to use.
> > --
> > Shirish Agarwal
> Nice idea Shirish, now what I'm puzzled about is why are you not
> interested in taking up the work yourself ? Why don't you explore
> Glade 3 and write up your experience ?
> --
> Soumyadip Modak
> soumyadip.modak at gmail.com
> soumyadip at ubuntu-in.org
> http://soumyadip.freemind.in/blog
Hi all,
Please disregard the first mail. It's simply because I'm too
incompetent at this point in time. I need to understand how the logic flows,
how it works. While I just explored the software yesterday only, version 2 I
hated the UI, while with glade-gnome-3 I'm a at complete loss as to where
things are. Just as an e.g. just turn to
http://www.kplug.org/glade_tutorial/glade2_tutorial/quick_tour.html :-
The main window will be similar to what you see to the right. It is where
> you specify the options for your project, save the project, load a project,
> and build the project. It also includes a listing of each separate window
> you have built for your application.
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Now there are no Build or Options I can see in the interface. If they are
hidden or are somewhere else, I don't know. Similarly the Widget Tree shown
there is now perhaps the Inspector ?
I'm sure you got my drift. So it would take me quite a while to at least
be in the position as to understand where things are & how they work, and of
course forget all that programming part.
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Shirish Agarwal
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