[ubuntu-in] Sify - getting online ...

Sanjay Bhangar sanjaybhangar at gmail.com
Wed May 2 20:51:00 BST 2007

I didn't mean "dont send me links", sorry:- ) -- of course everything useful
is learnt through HowTo's on the web -- just that I've been through several
HowTo's on the web that dont really work, so was just asking for advice from
someone who actually uses Sify and has faced the problem and not from
(well-meaning) people just sending me links to websites purporting to give

Thanks everyone for the help -- am at work right now so have wireless, but
will implement idea of downloading the client again and calling them up
again and again so that they allow me to login from Linux once I'm home. I
just needed to know that it is, indeed possible, so now I can pester them
with confidence:- ).

Ya... I probably should give in sometime and install Wine as well... but ahh
well... thanks much for all the help, guys.

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