[ubuntu-in] [Fwd: hi!]

Roshan d_rosh2001 at yahoo.co.in
Sat Mar 24 19:16:13 GMT 2007

--Rohit balan wrote: 

> hey guys! rohit here. student, new 2 ubuntu. wantd 2
> kno hw it works..
> currently PC runnin on xp.. is it possibl 2 hav both
> OS on pc? 

Yes, you can have both the operating systems running
on your computer. You'll have to modify the structure
of the system for that.

> me an
> Advertisin studnt so basic progrmes in use r
> Photoshop, corel,

You would be unable to run photoshop or corel
directly. You may have to run its alternatives on

> Powerpoint n Word apart 4m web surfin n iTUNES :)..
> r ther similar
> softwares or plug-ins 4 d same ones in ubuntu

Yes, I mention them below.

OpenOffice (OO) is available which includes OpenOffice
Impress (Powerpoint) and OpenOffice Writer (Word) and
the world's recent favourite, Mozilla Firefox already
installed with a default installation of Ubuntu. 

amaRoK is similar to iTunes in terms of functionality.
You can plug-in your iPod and copy songs to the Poddy!

> .. pls
> guide n support i
> really liked d liveCD.

Depend on where you are currently located, ask for a
CD from one, among the mentioned on the following

Hope this helps! :)

FSF of India Associate Fellow

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