[ubuntu-in] Help Installing Nvidia 9631 or 9639 drivers for Geforce2 MX integrated gpu

Soumyadip Modak soumyadip.modak at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 18:50:45 BST 2007

On 6/4/07, Ramon Machado <ramon_mac at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Friends,
> Has any one managed to install video drivers for nvidia geforce2 mx integrated gpu on a fesity fawn install?
> I know its an ancient card and i got it to work rather well under dapper with all the beryl effects(save Rain) and i want to have the same features on feisty.
> The device id 01A0 is listed under the products supported in the nvidia site on both 9631 and 9639 drivers but for the life of me cant install it on feisty fawn.
> I am sure there must be a way. But i am not able to get my hands on it.
> Have googled on the web and the ubuntu forums but with little success.
> Any ideas anyone???

A little Googling would have come up with this :

And one thing Ramon, it is considered bad etiquette to reply to an
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mail digest. When starting a new topic, please compose a fresh mail.
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Hope you'll keep this in mind in the future

Soumyadip Modak
soumyadip.modak at gmail.com
soumyadip at ubuntu-in.org

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