[ubuntu-in] List of packages installed

Onkar Shinde onkarshinde at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 05:30:39 GMT 2007

On 1/12/07, ramnarayan.k at gmail.com <ramnarayan.k at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> How is it possible to generate of list of *all* the packages installed
> on Ubuntu - those that came via apt-get, those by compiling and those
> that came up by default.
> regards
> ram

There is no difference between packages that came by default and
installed via apt-get or synaptic because they are recorded in same
You can get a list of such packages with 'dpkg -la'. Using command
'dpkg -la | wc -l' will tell you number of packages installed.

When you install something from source, it is not recorded in package
database unless you are using checkinstall. So there is no way get
list of such packages.

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