[ubuntu-in] help (how to create mutli-lingual website with dynamic content)

Priyadarsan Roy priyadarsanroy at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 05:29:28 GMT 2007

> How are the perceived (or virtual) farmers good with
> using computers in general? What do they find easy to
> do?
> More graphical icons resembling a functionality --
> appears to be a good idea. The question is
> connectivity? speed? network? and so on. Seems as if
> the list would go on long.

There are lots of CSC(Common Services Center) centers now opening in India.
One such example is the Nemmadi project in Karnataka
http://nemmadi.karnataka.gov.in/. All these centers are in the village
level. I believe in some 5 years time around 2 lack such centers will be
started in India. May be such sites can be used by farmers from such
telecenters. Connectivity , and network will be taken care of by the parties
involved in setting up the center.

Using computers can still be a challenge. May be the operator manning
telecenter can help farmers in getting information from such web sites.
Still have to see how farmers can start using forums.
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