[ubuntu-in] Slightly OT - Booting Multiple Distro's of External USB HD

Shakthi Kannan shakthimaan at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 16:27:46 GMT 2007


----- On Dec 8, 2007 9:46 PM, ramnarayan.k at gmail.com
<ramnarayan.k at gmail.com> wrote:
| Have a dual boot machine. Was wanting to install some other distros on
| an external (usb) hard disk.
| First is this possible

Yes, possible.

| Second - where would the grub loader for the distro(s)installed on the
| external usb device be stored - again am assuming it will be along with
| the main grub loader resident on the machine.

On the MBR (first 512 bytes) of the external hard-disk. Why would it
be on the resident machine? After BIOS POST, if you want to boot from
USB, control will be transfered to external USB hard-disk. So, you
should have the grub on the external hard-disk.

Otherwise, you don't need to have boot from USB support in BIOS, and
you should expect grub on the resident machine to understand USB, and
detect the external USB drive, and boot it.

| lastly - majorly OT - can a legal version of M$ wincedoze



Shakthi Kannan

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