[ubuntu-in] Installment Problems.

Ashfaq Shaikh ashfaq.s76 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 30 06:02:36 BST 2006


As  I  told  you in my last post, the difficulties I faced in
installation of ubuntu from the live CD, I have come over that problem
and finaly got the thing installed!

Yes the problem was my RAM it requires anything plus 256, I borrowed a
Ram of 256 from a freind, and the installation was smooth. So for all
facing similar problems this is the solution.

Now, having installed, as I told I am a Newbe, I would request you all
to help me with the main and basic but all important thing which is
Internet connection! I have a smartlink k56 modem installed in my
hardware, but this is not detected by Ubuntu, further how to get hie
driver for this, I do have a driver for windows with me, but will
Ubuntu recognize it? So how to go about this, further, I use bluetooth
for connecting through GPRS, so how to get that thing workable, until
this is done successfully I will not be able to move any further! So
freinds I request you all to please help me out.

At present I am having windows 98 working on one of my partitions, the
one which I am using to connect to you, working fine with bluetooth.
My Bluetooth Dongle is Fujitech First Class 100metre range. The Driver
is wids 4 something for windows.

Now I had downloaded the Desktop Guide pdf but reading it in window
and then swithching back to ubuntu and going for the action of
performing, makes me forget the action, Do we have a Guide in Hardcopy
or some book manual available in India, can someone guide me to get

Please help me guide on my querries and do the needful so that I get
connected to internet and start using full Ubuntu as my default os.

Ashfaq Shaikh.

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