[ubuntu-in] Typing and more importantly reading in Malayalam

Gora Mohanty gora_mohanty at yahoo.co.in
Thu Mar 30 13:02:34 BST 2006

--- Carthik Sharma <carthik at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 3/30/06, Baishampayan Ghose <b.ghose at gnu.org.in> wrote:
> > I have a reference rendering here --
> > http://flickr.com/photos/ghoseb/120191732/
> The rendering I see in my browser is the same as the one seen in your
> reference screencap, and both have errors.
> The error that I can point out easiest is probably the symbol hta
> occurs at the end of the title (the one that looks like a
> Chandra-Kala (moon-like shape).

OK, from your description, it seems like that there is a problem with
Pango rendering of Malayalam. The rendering does look different in
yudit (which is the reference point for Unicode rendering), and in
gedit (which uses Pango, and should render the same as an Indic-enabled
Firefox). As flickr seems to truncate the photos while resizing them,
I am attaching them to this message. Please let me know if the yudit
rendering is OK, and we can take things from there. Incidentally, these
use the Samyak font mentioned in the Indlinux wiki.


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