[ubuntu-in] Typing and more importantly reading in Malayalam

Carthik Sharma carthik at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 10:40:36 BST 2006

On 3/30/06, Baishampayan Ghose <b.ghose at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Carthik,
> > Probably not is not a definite answer. I mentioned trying that since
> > I was suggested to try that particular version.
> Well, that Firefox is indeed Indic enabled. I have told you to be
> patient with this.
> > On dapper, with the regular firefox, this is what I see:
> > http://flickr.com/photos/carthik/120151914/
> >
> > Please read the notes on the photo.
> Those bugs exist for me too, and I am running an Indic enabled Firefox.
> So the issue is with the encoding of that site and not the browser.
> > This webpage works fine here on Dapper, with the stock Firefox. Do
> > you have a reference site (to check my browser) for Malayalam that I
> > can use? Is http://acharya.iitm.ac.in/demos/unicode_testview.html a
> > good one to use? It says it is an Unicode test viewer. The above
> > screenshot was generated using this page's output.
> Well, that specific Vande Mataram text is buggy even for me. So I would
> blame the site for that, not the browser.

I wish I was able to find one website which is configured correctly,
to check my fonts against.
> > I have the malayalam language fonts installed. In fact, I have been
> > trying with around 15 fonts installed, in addition to those installed
> >  by the Ubuntu language pack.  I wasn't playing around, Gora, was
> > trying to help.
> We all are trying to help, isn't it?  Gora is not pulling your leg or
> something. Why are you becoming enraged with this? We all face issues
> every now and then, and we try to solve those issues patiently instead
> of blasting people who suggest possible solutions.

I am sorry if I sounded cross. I was, a little bit. A lot of what Gora
said made sense, and yet, some of the things did not. ttf-indic-fonts
is installed by default on my Dapper install.

I guess all I meant to say was that seeing as we are all volunteers,
with varying degrees of experience an expertise, it would do well for
everyone to not sound discouraging, patronizing or belittling towards
newbies to the field. I have an urge to do something to help. The
chances that I will help depend on how much encouragement, and support
I get.
You guys really can make things look easier, or more difficult for me,
and I beleive I must try everything I can before, and while asking for
help. Thanks for your help. In real life, you'll find me quite
friendly, though I might have got off on the wrong foot here ;)
I sort of like writing documentation, and will document how to test
and how to use Ubuntu in Malayalam, how to help translate stuff etc,
as soon as they become clear to me. This should make it easier for
newbies like me to pick up on this stuff sooner.

> > A little difference in attitude can make a big difference in results.
> Yes, I agree. And that applies to you too. So please be patient and I
> will get some Malayalam text for you to test.

Of course yes. Any help I get from you is a bonus. I will be patient,
and will work towards what I want, slowly maybe, but it'll get done, I


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