[ubuntu-in] Typing and more importantly reading in Malayalam

Carthik Sharma carthik at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 12:12:51 BST 2006

On 3/29/06, Baishampayan Ghose <b.ghose at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Carthik,
> > I use firefox installed per instructions from
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion
> >
> > Would you know if this one is pango-ified?
> The stock firefox that comes from mozilla.org doesn't support Indic
> rendering. Please use the Firefox from the official Ubuntu repositories.
> If you want Firefox 1.5, you might like to upgrade to Dapper.
> Regards,
> BG

I tried the same on Firefox 1.0.7 at home, on breezy, with firefox
from the Ubuntu repository, and am yet to find uniformity or
consistency in the Rosetta translations that exist.

It seems to depend on the font (usually some ttf font) that was used
by the translator. In some fonts, the vowel-qualifiers are always
post-placed(wrt to the consonant they qualify) and in some fonts,
there is a character for short-r, which when I see it in
Firefox/Epiphany shows up as a "Registered" sign (the R with a circle
around it).

Having spent a few good hours with defoma, a few apps, settings,
fonts, and such, I still don't know what looks and is right, and what
is not, so for now, I will lay off translating into malayalam.  A page
to explain how to setup Ubuntu with Malayalam "the right way" would be

If there are any Malayalis on this group, I would love to ask a few
questions, offlist or onlist.

Thank you,
> - --
> Baishampayan Ghose <b.ghose at ubuntu.com>
> Ubuntu -- Linux for Human Beings
> http://www.ubuntu.com/
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Ph.D. Candidate
University of Central Florida
Homepage: http://carthik.net

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