[ubuntu-in] Typing and more importantly reading in Malayalam

Carthik Sharma carthik at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 07:53:44 BST 2006


I was trying to help with translating Dapper into Malayalam at the
Rosetta page for a package.

My biggest problem is that on Firefox, the text in Malayalam is really
screwed up.

The page is displayed in English for everything except the translated
Malayalam text.

The Malayalam test is sort of garbled. Let me explain this in detail:

The vowel-qualifiers are misplaced.

Imagine, if, in displaying the Hindi for "AAP", the two "|"s appeared
first and then the symbol for "A" appeared. I hope I am getting
somewhere with this description!!

I hope someone can help me fix this display problem. I tried changing
some language options on firefox, all the ones that I could find, to
no effect.


Ph.D. Candidate
University of Central Florida
Homepage: http://carthik.net

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