[ubuntu-in] A new poll for Ubuntu-IN

Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose at gnu.org.in
Thu Mar 16 05:55:26 GMT 2006

Hash: SHA1

>> Great! I have some experience with php, having been on the 
>> WordPress (http://wordpress.org) team for more than a couple of 
>> years. Since february this year, the Ph.D. took priority over 
>> WordPress development. I still maintain 20+ websites (mostly of 
>> friends, the local LUG etc). I would love to help Ubuntu-in with 
>> setting up and designing a website.
That's excellent! You'll be of great help to us then :)

>> In my opinion, a wiki is a poor replacement for a website. A 
>> website may have a wiki as a part of it, but I suppose it is better
>>  for a website to have more to it than just the wiki. As far as 
>> wikis are concerned, I tend to think that PmWiki (opensource, php, 
>> no db) leads the pack in ease of use, amount of control available, 
>> ease of setup etc. I use it on my personal site. Just a thought, at
>>  a tangent, perhaps :)
I beg to differ on this. Wikis may not be suitable for huge `corporate'
websites, but our requirements are pretty small and a wiki will be
enough for us. We can lock down a few pages in case of static contents
and let the other portions evolve with time. Take a look at the Mono [1]
website. They are using MediaWiki for their whole web operations.
PmWiki is also an excellent product. I forgot to put that up in the
list. My personal favourite, is of course Moinmoin since I am a Python
guy myself and don't really consider most PHP wikis secure enough. :)
Nevertheless, let's reach a consensus on this, after that we'll see what
we can do ... we would need to customise the wiki to complement the look
and feel of the Ubuntu wikis anyway.

> I voted for Mediawiki, by the way ;)
Hehe ;)



- --
Baishampayan Ghose
Free Software Foundation of India
b.ghose at gnu.org.in
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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