[ubuntu-in] [Fwd: Hello sir, an idea to popularise Ubunutu]

Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose at ubuntu.com
Wed Jul 12 19:26:06 BST 2006

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- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Hello sir, an idea to popularise Ubunutu
Date: 	Wed, 12 Jul 2006 09:26:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: 	Ramesh Elamathi <rameshelamathi at yahoo.com>

Hello sir,

I am Elamathi, a reporter working in a small town in Southern India and
a user of Linux (not Ubunutu, though i have a Live CD) for a few years.

Linux is simply great. Let me come to the topic directly. The Tamil Nadu
government (A State in India) has introduced linux to the Plus I, that
is called higher secondary level-I.
The syllabus also has windows XP . But *linux has been given
importance*. The other part of the syllabus is Star Office and C. The
Plus II, the second level in higher secondary, has C++ and Star Office
in detail.

Simply it means, the s*tudnets need not to have work C, C++ and Star
Office in Windows environment*. All these are open source based, linux
oriented. Hence, the syllabus is basically oriented towards Linux.

Just one computer with Windows XP is enough to learn it.
The *rest of the syllabus can be taught in Linux* machines. That meens,
thousands of schools in the State, if we take initiative and are able to
pull it, can be converted to linux.

Sadly, there are no support or men to press this to the government or
even in one school. Ironically, the *Microsoft and Intel* have come up
with a lot of programmes, and *converting the students* to Windows oriented.

Let me describe how we can capitilise this situation and *popularise
linux*, particularly *Edubuntu* <http://www.edubuntu.org/> through a
district i am living. Salem (not the one in the US) district has more
than 2000 schools. Of which 60 schools teach computer science as subject
professionally. Each school has 10 computers.Though now they are having
old hardware, they are soon going get upgraded.

The *government *or other agencies are *not *able to *supply* software,
i mean *Linux *to these schools.
If we can provide *Edubuntu* <http://www.edubuntu.org/> to all these 60
schools, no body is going to oppose. It will *not take a long time to
get government permission*. If we can explain it to the secretary of the
school education and get permission first for one district, it can be
implemented easily throughout the state.

I can explain you more sir. Even i have worked out a chart (or a road
map) on how we can implement it.

If we explain that the *Edubuntu* <http://www.edubuntu.org/> has *tools
to programme in C and C++* and once you show the source code, all the
*students will be excited* to know it. Now, many students here have no
clue what is linux.

Sir, if you are *interested*, i am *ready to explain* this concept
And please forgive me for the spelling mistakes and the informal way i
have written this e-mail.


- --
Baishampayan Ghose <b.ghose at ubuntu.com>
Ubuntu -- Linux for Human Beings

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