[ubuntu-in] Recovery in Ubuntu.

venkatesh.nandakumar at yahoo.co.uk venkatesh.nandakumar at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Dec 15 13:28:06 GMT 2006

Hi all,
Some file/setting got changed in my comp..and i did some change that's caused it to boot a lot slower.. 5 times slower..
Now that i've formatted.. its working fine. But i did manage to save all the cache..(of apt-archives).. 
My question is
1. Is there any way i'll be able to use my saved archive files, and install instead of downloading it again.? i did  try copying it to the same folder...still not working...i managed to load a lot of software...arnd 500 mb in archive storage.
2. Is there any kind of 'Recover/restore' to 3-4 days previous config.. say something that windows... i think has.??

Venkatesh Nandakumar.

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