Independence Day Ubuntu Meetup in Ennis a success!

Mark Murphy write2mcm at
Wed Jul 5 14:41:39 UTC 2017

Hi All,

Our first Ubuntu meetup in a long time took place on the 4th July in the West County Hotel in Ennis. Four of us turned up, those being Mark, Tom, Hugh and Hans. We chatted about Ubuntu and Free Software and installed Ubuntu Mate 32 bit on an old Vista choked laptop, having some fun figuring out problems along the way. We also had a comptia certified fella throw in his tuppence on the superiority of Windows, but hopefully he'll have changed his mind (even ever so slightly) since meeting us.

It was enough of a success for us to decide to try and see if we can do this on a monthly basis, so hopefully we'll meet again in a month's time, that being Tuesday the 1st August. We're also going to see if we can entice others to join us too. If there's anyone else on this mailing list interested in joining us, come along, and make sure to spread the word!

Thanks and Regards,

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