Ubuntu-ie Digest, Vol 85, Issue 1
Mark Murphy
write2mcm at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 27 18:30:16 UTC 2015
> From: ubuntu-ie-request at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Ubuntu-ie Digest, Vol 85, Issue 1
> To: ubuntu-ie at lists.ubuntu.com
> Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 12:00:06 +0000
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Fwd: Google Code In Opportunities (Laura Czajkowski)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 09:42:20 +0000
> From: Laura Czajkowski <laura at lczajkowski.com>
> To: ubuntu-ie at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Fwd: Google Code In Opportunities
> Message-ID: <5655827C.9000907 at lczajkowski.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> Perhaps anyone on here who is studying in College might be interested in
> taking part if you need help or want to know who to contact let me know
> Laura
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Google Code In Opportunities
> Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 15:46:16 -0500
> From: Nicholas Skaggs <nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com>
> To: Ubuntu Devel <ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Hello everyone! As you may have heard, ubuntu has been accepted as a
> mentoring organization for Google Code In (GCI). GCI is a opportunity
> for high school students to learn about and participate in open source
> communities. Mentoring organizations create tasks and review the
> students work. Google then provides rewards for those students who do
> the best work. The contest is very similar to GSOC, but is much shorter,
> and isn't intended for intense mentoring. The contest runs from December
> 7, 2015 to January 25, 2016.
> As part of being a mentoring organization, we are committed to creating
> 100+ tasks for students to work on during GCI. This involves finding
> mentors who are willing to write up tasks, and agree to answer questions
> and review the task when it's complete. A task is a simple item of work
> that can be completed in 2-5 hours. As a mentor, it's not intended for
> you to train or teach any skills; the students should have those skills
> before attempting the task. You can find a full list of details about
> mentoring and what it entails here[1], as well as on the community
> portal that describes our role and goals for the contest[2]. You can
> create a be a mentor for as little as a single task, and we appreciate
> all the tasks and mentors we get. .
> In short, this is an excellent opportunity to reach high school students
> and inform them about ubuntu and the opportunities they have within
> ubuntu and open source. I hope you consider taking part. If you have any
> questions or would like to volunteer, don't hesitate to get in touch
> with myself, Alan Pope, or Jos? Antonio Rey who are acting as mentors
> for the organization. Look for some new faces in ubuntu soon!
> Thanks for your consideration,
> Nicholas
> 1. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleCodeIn
> 2. http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/google-code-in/
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> End of Ubuntu-ie Digest, Vol 85, Issue 1
> ****************************************
Google Code In is meant for 13 - 17 year olds, more secondary students than college students (maybe prodigy college students!).
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