Ubuntu Community Team Q&A with Olli Ries today

Laura Czajkowski laura at lczajkowski.com
Tue Aug 4 12:57:11 UTC 2015

folks may be interested in this


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Ubuntu Community Team Q&A with Olli Ries today
Date: 	Tue, 4 Aug 2015 14:53:15 +0200
From: 	David Planella <david.planella at ubuntu.com>
To: 	ubuntu-phone <ubuntu-phone at lists.launchpad.net>, 
ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com, ubuntu-community-team 
<ubuntu-community-team at lists.ubuntu.com>

Hi all,

You might have read Olli's blog post explaining the plans around the 
technologies that constitute the client part of Ubuntu and the roadmap 
to convergence.


It's going to be an exciting journey, and while the post provides the 
request for more roadmap clarity from community members, we also want to 
make sure that as usual there is a space to interactively ask more 
questions and get answers. With that intention, Olli will be our next 
guest today in the Ubuntu Community Team Q&A. So if you want to ask or 
learn more about the future of Ubuntu on the client, come along and join us!

WHAT: Ubuntu Community Team Q&A with Olli Ries
WHERE: http://ubuntuonair.com
WHEN: Tuesday, 4th Aug at 15:00UTC [1]

For those who are interested but couldn't make it, the video will be 
available as usual on the UbuntuOnAir Youtube account [2].


[2] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm7OifwnZoMCChidCJZQruQ

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