Fwd: Call for Post cards!

Mike O'Donohue airurando at eircom.net
Tue Apr 9 09:51:05 UTC 2013

I think this is a very interesting and nice idea.  It took me a few days 
to get round to it but I've finally sent a postcard from Co. Kildare. I 
am looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

Philip announced the project in hist bolgpost:


If you'd like to send him a postcard you can find his address at the 
bottom of the blogpost.



-------- Original Message -------
Subject: 	Call for Post cards!
Date: 	Wed, 3 Apr 2013 09:28:43 -0700
From: 	Philip Ballew <philipballew at ubuntu.com>
Reply-To: 	Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts 
<loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>
To: 	loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com

I am looking to make a blog post about all the diverse areas of the 
world we have people in the Ubuntu community and want to highlight this 
with postcards I can show in a blog post and possibly beyond. I am 
giving people the opportunity here to mail me a post card from wherever 
they live on this planet. I would like to have the post card feature a 
picture of where they live, or say something about where they are from. 
Anywhere in the world is cool. If you do send one, feel free to email 
(philipballew at ubuntu.com <mailto:philipballew at ubuntu.com>) so I know it 
is on it?s way. Also, if anyone wants to pass along to their Lo-Co's to 
get the word out as well, it might be cool. The more I get, the better. 

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