Ubuntu Global Jam 3rd March

Laura Czajkowski laura at lczajkowski.com
Thu Mar 1 20:39:09 UTC 2012

On 01/03/12 13:39, Mike O'Donohue wrote:
> Hi All,
> Andru (the guy leading the Jam in Limerick) has agreed to host a 
> google hangout from the ubuntuie google plus account during the Jam 
> this Saturday.  I'm not familiar with google hangouts but if you'd 
> like to join the hangout  I believe you need:
> a google plus account
> have ubuntuie in one of your circles
> have the required google_talkplugin installed (deb packages available 
> for both 32 and 64 bit systems)
> have a webcam (may or may not be required)
> I had a problem installing the plugin through the automagical Software 
> Center (it kept crashing (this is a know bug)) so I opened a terminal 
> and resorted to:
> sudo dpkg -i PACKAGE.deb
> I think attending the Jam via the google hangout would be a great way 
> to get involved remotely.  Of course IRC is always an option with the 
> #ubuntu-ie channel on freenode.
> The collective wisdom of those on IRC and on the Google Hangout should 
> be able to respond to any questions that may arise.
> Based on my understanding there is  a huge drive for testing this 
> cycle.  As 12.04 LTS will be supported for 5 years on both the desktop 
> and the server it should be stable and reliable.
> So why not test 12.04 beta 1 on your hardware via any of the methods 
> available?
> Kind Regards
> Mike
This may also help people a list of what to do 
http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/globaljam/dashboard/  a useful tool to 
install is http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/RunningCheckboxTestCases

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