Ubuntu Hour Limerick

Mike O'Donohue airurando at eircom.net
Thu May 26 15:08:44 UTC 2011

Hi BinniE,

That's what Ubuntu hour is all about! Someone wanting to learn more
about Ubuntu is always more than welcome at these events.  It is true
that the guys there will also be discussing the June geeknic tonight but
I would not let that stop you.  Andru Quinn and Michael Jonker are real
nice guys and I'm sure they would be more that happy to chat to you and
answer any questions you may have (so long as they know the answers of
course).  I'd strongly encourage you to drop in and meet wit the guys.
If you're curious what they look like have a look at:


Michael is the one with the Ubuntu Hat and Andru is second from the

Hope you get there and if the geeknic is confirmed I'd hope to meet you

Best Regards,

Mike O'Donohue

On Thu, 26 May 2011 07:11:24 -0700
binnie at 5lowershop.org wrote:

> http://www.ubuntu-ie.org/node/146
> Hello List,
> I was wondering if anyone can advise whether or not the Ubuntu Hour
> happening in Limerick tonight would be suitable for someone like me
> who is just beginning to learn about Linux?
> I have been toying around abit with Natty Narwhal on my laptop but
> dont feel like ive even 'scratched the surface'... even though, i
> have tried.
> Im hoping to avoid being the annoying fella asking all the silly
> questions if theres sum other agenda going on tonight, like the
> geeknik? planning which i read was part of tonights topic.
> Thanks All!
> BinniE

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