Ubuntu 11:10 Oneiric Ocelot release party (Where, When and What?)

Mike O'Donohue airurando at eircom.net
Thu Aug 18 08:40:54 UTC 2011

Hi Everyone,

In the hope that we can tie down the details of our release party
activities for Oneiric Ocelot I thought I'd get the ball rolling now.

Ubuntu 11:10 is due for final release on Thursday the 13th of October,
2011.  A return to weekend partying was agreed following our midweek
foray with the Natty Narwhal release party.  Bearing this in mind the
likely date for our release party would be Saturday the 15th of October
2011.  It could be held on the Friday or Sunday or even the following
weekend but I reckon the best day would be Sat 15 Oct 11.

What do people think? Good idea / bad idea?

Does anyone have any ideas on what would be fun to do and where?

Assuming no slippage in the release schedule I think it would be great
to have all the details for this party ironed out before our September
IRC Meeting (21 Sep 11).

Please voice your opinions and ideas regarding this release party here
on the mailing list.


Mike O'Donohue

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