October Team meeting in IRC

Mike O'Donohue airurando at eircom.net
Thu Sep 16 21:02:26 BST 2010

Hi Everyone,

The next monthly IRC meeting of the Ubuntu Irish Team is due to take
place on Wednesday the 20th of October 2010 at 8pm. The meeting will
be held in the #ubuntu-ie channel on the irc.freenode.net network.

If you are not familiar with IRC, you can easily participate by
directing your webbrowser to the following link:


Further details about connecting to the IRC channel via other methods
can be found at:


There is a wiki page with the agenda for this meeting. Everyone who's
interested is encouraged to add an item of interest or concern to this
agenda.  If you do add an item to the agenda, as we hope you will, your
attendance at the next meeting to lead the discussion about that topic
would be appreciated. This wiki page can be found at:


The LoCo directory listing for the September IRC Meeting can be found


Please do log in to the LD and sign up for this meeting if you plan on

Kind Regards,

Mike O'Donohue

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