T-minus 6 days and counting to Maverick Meerkats launch.

tDR112 tdr112 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 10:14:55 BST 2010

Hello all,
Mike and I have come up with interesting set of ubuntu questions for the quiz.
Now we are asking you to help out with the prize fund. If people could
drop in some thing small for 1st and 2nd place that would be great.

Jeffrey Roe,

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 9:20 PM, Mike O'Donohue <airurando at eircom.net> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> This is just a reminder that the ubuntu-ie LoCo will be hosting
> a Maverick Meerkat release party on Sunday 10-10-10, the actual
> release date for this iteration of Ubuntu. Our day will kick off at
> Jimmy Chung's Chinese Buffet, 8 Eden Quay, Dublin 1 at 13:30 local time
> on Sunday 10th of October.  After food we will move the party to The
> Market Bar, Fade Street, Dublin 2 at 15:30 'ish'.  The plan is to have
> a fun pub quiz in the market bar and, release willing, we will provide
> help to anyone who wants a hand installing Ubuntu. Everyone is
> most welcome to attend any aspect or all parts of this release party.
> We have been asked to give our best estimate of numbers attending
> to both Jimmy Chungs and the Market Bar by Friday.  Consequently, if you
> would like to attend this fun event please do sign up for it on the loco
> directory listing at:
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/375/detail/
> Hope to see you all at Jimmy Chungs and/or later at The Market Bar on
> 10-10-10.
> Best Regards,
> Mike O'Donohue
> --
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