Irish Translations NEEDED
Shane Fagan
shanepatrickfagan at
Mon Mar 8 12:22:21 GMT 2010
Oh shoot I was meant to send that whoops :/
Could anyone who wants to translate sub the translations list
Ill post some stuff there tomorrow when I get a chance.
On Mon, 2010-03-08 at 12:16 +0000, Laura Czajkowski wrote:
> Aloha!
> there are only a few days left for translations to make into the next Freeze
> for Lucid.
> If anyone can help or know people who speak Irish please ask them to log in
> and help translate
> some pacakges. By translating you are contributing back.
> I know my Irish isn't great, but I know that school kids use applications in
> Irish, the more tranlated applications we have the greater chance we have of
> schools and kids using these.
> Thanks
> Laura
> --
> skype: lauraczajkowski
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