Ubuntu Hour LIMERICK

Rory McCann rory at technomancy.org
Fri Jul 9 13:57:34 BST 2010

On 30/06/10 21:07, Laura Czajkowski wrote:
> Aloha!
> I've noticed more Limerick folks on this list!  I think we should have 
> our own Ubuntu hour! What do you think, adding a doodle poll here to 
> pick a day then we can work out when we should meet up and where.
> Anyone know of any free wifi points in Limerick ?
> I'll leave the poll open for a week http://www.doodle.com/g6gic4wiz6zhqi4u
> Looking forward to meeting some Limerick folks!
> Laura

Awesome idea. It'd be great to see more 'Local' stuff. We are a local
community after all. (As a Dub, I won't be there, I'm afraid)

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