Ubuntu Banner Guidance

Laura Czajkowski laura at lczajkowski.com
Mon Jan 11 13:38:38 GMT 2010

Declan McGrath wrote:

> Cheers Maciej,
> Ok, so basically the banner just needs to have both logos on it. I think I misunderstood this task as I thought it meant redesigning the ubuntu-ie logo.
> So armed with my new knowledge, what else should be on the banner other than the 2 logos blown up?
> Apologies if that's a bit of a silly question, I'm just trying to work out
> * What other text should be on the banner (for example - "Ubuntu Ireland" or "Ubuntu Ireland Loco")?
> * Should other graphic design be present on the banner (or should it just be a plain white background)?
> * Is this a Lucid-specific banner or a banner for all events? Do we need to work in a Lucid graphic or the text "Lucid Lynx"?
> * Has a printing company been chosen? Or do we have a shortlist?
> * Are there any requirements for the printers? (such as limiting the number of colours used or any CMYK vs RGB colourspace limits)
> Regards,
> Declan
> On Thursday 07 January 2010 20:22:56 Maciej Danielski wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> few comments below...
>> On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 07:14:25 +0000
>> Declan McGrath <declan at divilment.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm looking to involve someone on the banner design front -
>>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ie-loco-roadmap/+spec/loco-banner
>>> What is the brief for this work?
>>> ie.
>>> * What does the ubuntu-ie loco want to see in this banner?
>> Regular Ubuntu logo + Irish Ubuntu Community
>>> * Does the banner have to retain the green/orange/white dashed circle?
>> Regular/Original logo
>>> * Will the banner replace the existing Ubuntu-ie site or is it just
>>> to be used on physical banners at events?
>> Physical
>>> * If it is to be used on the Ubuntu-ie site, is there a defined set
>>> of dimensions we need to stick with?
>> 2 meteres x 1.50 meter (?)
>>> * What is the biggest size the banner blown up to - for example, on
>>> physical material at events?
>>> * What is process for getting the ok from Canonical (if necessary)
>>> that the banner is acceptable and how long does this process take?
>> An email with an approval request should not take more than a week (?)
>> http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy
>>> BTW, I know SVG's can be scaled up or down easily but it is good to
>>> know the use case as some designs look good blown up big; others look
>>> good small. And once you know the dimensions you can strike a design
>>> that suits both cases, if need be.
>>> Regards,
>>> Declan
>> Regards,
>> Maciej
Something like
http://www.flickr.com/photos/joshuachase/2515338497/in/photostream/ but
with the Ubuntu-ie Colours being used also, so for me I'd like to see
the Ubuntu logo and Ubuntu-ie loco logo and not the others.. but that's
just me. rather than distro specific stick to Ubuntu.


Skype: lauraczajkowski

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