KDE at the Ubuntu Hour

Rory McCann rory at technomancy.org
Thu Feb 18 09:32:51 GMT 2010

On 18/02/10 09:19, Declan McGrath wrote:
> Hiya folks,
> Just something I put out on IRC recently so just reposting here in
> case people want to feedback. I'm planning to set up a KDE Ireland
> group and going to tell KDE'ers (if I can find any :-) to pop along
> to the Ubuntu Hour. Any objections to this?
> Regards, Dec

Sounds fine. :) Kubuntu/Edubuntu/Xubuntu etc. is always welcome. Me
personally, I've always been saying "Ubuntu", i.e. "Ubuntu Hour", but
that's more just out of convieniece. I've always considering "Ubuntu
Ireland" to include all our KDE/Gnome/XFCE et al bretheren.


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