A plethora of Ubuntu Hours in August

Mike O'Donohue airurando at eircom.net
Wed Aug 4 12:43:10 BST 2010

Hi All,

It is great to see Ubuntu Hour events springing up across the country.
As you probably already know in August we will have 3 Ubuntu Hour
meetups in Ireland.

First up will be the inaugural Cork Ubuntu Hour on August 18th.  The
Ubuntu LoCo Directory listing for this event can be found at: 


Next will be Ubuntu Hour Dublin on August 25th. The Ubuntu LoCo
Directory listing for this event can be found at: 


Finally Ubuntu Hour Limerick will take place on August 26th. The Ubuntu
LoCo Directory listing for this event can be found at: 


Further details of each event, such as location and time,  can be found
in the corresponding LoCo Directory listing.  There are iCal and RSS
feeds now available for Ubuntu Ireland events and these can be obtained
from http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ie . These events are also
cross referenced on the www.ubuntu-ie.org calendar. If you are planning
on attending any of these meetups please do sign up on the relevant
LoCo directory page. 

Kind Regards,

Mike O'Donohue 

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