Planet ubuntu-ie

Declan McGrath declan at
Mon Sep 22 23:45:52 BST 2008

On Monday 22 September 2008 10:16:50 Mean Machine wrote:
> Hello fellow ubunteros!
> I was just thinking about setting up an ubuntu-ie planet, which would allow
> every ubuntu-ie member to have their ubuntu related blog posts  aggregated
> on
> Would anyone be interested and would like to give us a hand with setting it
> up?

I've followed the steps (which is a bit fiddlier than I thought when actually 
carrying them out!) and gotten it working in a basic fashion - see the result 

It currently only syndicates one blog but it's pretty easy to customise the 
feeds and the CSS of the site.

Give me a shout whenever you want to tackle the real server. We'll probably 
set it up on something like


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