Ubuntu in the news

Laura Czajkowski laura at lczajkowski.com
Mon Sep 15 14:00:27 BST 2008

Great idea, he's based in the USA, but did email the Irish Times so we'll
I dont look for trouble it finds me

skype: lauraczajkowski

--------- Original Message --------
From: Ken Guest <ken at linux.ie>
To: Laura Czajkowski <laura at lczajkowski.com>
Cc: ubuntu-ie at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: Ubuntu in the news
Date: 15/09/08 13:01

> hmm - this is the latest/last article mentioning ubuntu in the Irish Times
> http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/finance/2008/0404/1207238155662.html
> Perhaps a quick mail to the tech. editorial team in the lead-up to SFD
> might be an idea?
> k.
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Laura Czajkowski
> &lt;laura at lczajkowski.com&gt; wrote:
> &gt; So this morning I stumbled up these two articles and I'm curious to
> &gt; what folks think? I also note these were then discussed in a few irc
> &gt; channels, so what do folks here think about them?
> &gt;
> &gt; First article
> &gt;
> &gt; and secondly
> &gt; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/269656 and
> &gt; http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&amp;px=NjcxOA
> &gt;
> &gt; Laura
> &gt; --
> &gt; I don't look for trouble it finds me
> &gt;
> &gt; http://www.lczajkowski.com
> &gt; skype: lauraczajkowski
> &gt; pix.ie/czajkowski
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt;
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