[ubuntu-hu] Fwd: greeting from Romanian LoCo

Őry Máté orymate at gmail.com
2008. Júl. 7., H, 21:34:20 BST

Azt hiszem, néhány darab matricáról van szó (tehát én fogom lenyúlni
:P), de szép gesztus.

Tavaly küldtem nekik 50 vagy 100 matricát.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adi Roiban <adi at ubuntu.ro>
Date: Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 9:26 PM
Subject: greeting from Romanian LoCo
To: orymate at gmail.com

Hi Ory,

I'm writing to thank you for sending us the Ubuntu laptop stickers last

Recently I received some stickers from Mozilla Foundation and if you
want I would be happy to send you a couple them.

The stickers are similar to this one:

For sending them I would need your address.

Kind regards,
Adi Roiban
Comunitatea Ubuntu din România

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