[U-HN] T3 Booklet Conference - Escuela La Internacional
Elvira Martínez
elvira.martinez38 en gmail.com
Lun Feb 8 17:10:06 GMT 2010
Dear presenters,
Attached you will find a copy of the conference booklet that all attendees
will have. I am also attaching the schedule and a map of the building where
that conferences will take place.
Please note the changes in the presentations schedule.
Also take your time to read to the booklet in case this is your first time
with us.
We are still missing a few biographies but that will be added before
printing the booklet.
We are looking forward to meeting you on Friday at 7:30 am. in the school’s
Denise Cerrato
Bueno chicos(as), aquí les dejo la información que me envió hoy Diego
Turcios correspondiente al evento que tendremos en la Escuela Internacional.
Luis y Alex, favor revisar horarios y mapas. Ubuntu Honduras Team presenta
el sábado.
Se vé muyyyy interesante ;)
Elvira Martínez
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