[ubuntu-hardened] [Q] AppArmor profile for a rsyslog logging daemon.

Daniel Curtis sidetripping at gmail.com
Sun Oct 18 17:38:54 UTC 2015


I would like to aks only about a default profile for a reliable
system and kernel logging daemon, called rsyslog. I mean
a default profile, which can be found, for example, in the
/etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.sbin.rsyslog file. (Ubuntu 12.04

What about security of this profile? It is written well or there
is many aspects to fix and that is the reason why this profile
is disabled (by default)?

So, can I put rsyslog in an enforce state or it is a bad idea? If
it will be needed, I can paste profile here (in my next e-mail).

Best regards.

Over & Quit.
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