[ubuntu-hardened] OVAL/SCAP for Ubuntu

Thomas Jones thomas.jones at unifiedgovernance.com
Tue Jan 20 18:20:43 UTC 2015

I do not think any exists.

We are working on c++ code to automatically generate assurance, compliance
and patch content for ubuntu. Vulnerability content will be a little more
complex as it is a derivative of all. Unfortunately, I cannot yet release
the content until we reach a stable phase.

Assurance levels 1-2 will be public release; as will be compliance levels
1-2. Supporting documentation for each document instance will also be
available in PDF format.

We are looking at:
(number of packages in universe) * 9 levels == a LOT of work

No date on availability. I work full-time and am trying to get start-up off
the ground. Who knows when...

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 8:39 AM, Ganapati Hegde <in.ganapatih at gmail.com>

> Does anyone know of available OVAL content  for Ubuntu?  We're looking for
> compliance and vulnerability rules for Ubuntu, and we've found a lot for
> Red Hat, but can't seem to find any for Ubuntu.
> Thanks,
> Ganapati
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