[ubuntu-hardened] USN-1941-1 for 12.04 LTS: Linux kernel vulnerabilities

Daniel Curtis sidetripping at gmail.com
Sun Sep 8 12:40:09 UTC 2013

Hi John

I don't use '-proposed' updates for months. Yes, I'm pretty
sure that I didn't think about *.52 kernel version.

What could be a reason for using *.53 kernel for a days, weeks
without '-proposed' updates? If I remember correctly, kernel was
updated via APT utility. I mean *.52 to *.53 version. I was surprised,
because there was not any notice on e.g. USN website. New kernel
version (*.53) appeared after 'apt-get update/upgrade' command.

Could it be a security issue or related to e.g. system compromise? 
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