[ubuntu-hardened] allow ssh using selinux in permissive mode

Tyler Hicks tyhicks at canonical.com
Wed Dec 19 18:32:08 UTC 2012

On 2012-12-19 17:22:10, sruthi mohan wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed SELinux on ubuntu 11.10,Selinux is in permissive mode.
> I am unable to connect remotely through ssh.

I was able to log in through ssh on a pristine 11.10 VM after installing
selinux-policy-ubuntu (I wasn't sure if you were using
selinux-policy-ubuntu or selinux-policy-default) and rebooting. That
makes me think that you're going to have to look through the policy
changes that you've made locally to solve your problem.


> i have done semodule -DB  I did not find any ssh related messages on
> audit.log.
> Request some hlp in resolving this issue
> Thanks and Regards
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